Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Winter morning.

Since arriving home from Europe, I had been keeping odd hours but at last I am back to a reasonable sleep pattern. The upside is that I have been getting up at about 5.30am. I am a morning person. I like the quiet, rekindling the fire, making a cuppa and having a few moments pottering to myself.

A few mornings ago there was a frost !! Very unusual but beautiful. Every winter we get a couple of mornings where there is a frost, locals say it sweetens the oranges.

A view across the paddocks. It was about 3c overnight.

Mango trees near and far.

My plantings from eight months ago still producing chilli's.
Time for a lovely, warming curry.

I planted these just before leaving for Europe, it didn't remember what I grabbed from Bunnings but they appear to be sweetpeas.
I have been eating them but I gather one shouldn't, who knows but I haven't keeled over yet.

The last of the capsicums. Which I shall pick as long as Dusty doesn't get to them first. He is a vegetable loving dog.

Mint seems to love winter. A have a pretty applemint growing nearby.

Breakfast was a home made 5 grain bircher museli.
The grains soaked for ages in water and lemon juice, with grated apple, oranges off the tree and some natural greek yogurt stirred in. Delicious.

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